The following document expresses the Privacy Policy of The Ozcar Guide and how it collects, accesses and stores information from visitors. Visitors are requested to refer to this document for concerns over this aspect. In the document, terms like we, us, the website, The Ozcar Guide are used to refer to the website.
About The Ozcar Guide
The Ozcar Guide is a news website that covers news articles from different sources across the Internet, including the web and print ones. We maintain the best possible levels of accuracy while choosing the sources as well as presenting the information in the best possible and perceptive manner for all readers. We have a clearer understanding of the value of privacy and how it should be maintained.
Collection of Data
This website may collect different types of data from our users, with proper and partial consent. However, it is possible to the data into two sectors, based on how connected they are to the individual who is visiting the website.
Personal Identification Data
This type of data refers to the information that can be linked to a particular individual. The examples of this data include a mail address, physical address, billing ZIP codes, social security numbers etc. However, it must be noted that The Ozcar Guide does not collect all these kinds of information. Some of the activities in the site may request further authentication and verification, during which this information is voluntarily provided.
Non-Personal Identification Data
This type of data refers to the information that cannot be linked to a particular individual or organization. A few examples of such data include the browser a visitor is trying to access the website from, a general location of the user and general details like ISP and the click points. These are used for purposes of further analysis and prediction.
Automated Log Keeping
Log Records are kept on the website for the basic functions like the number of visits and click points. The site may also record redundant data like the time being spent on the website. Once again, this data will be used for analysis purposes.
The Use of Cookies
The Ozcar Guide does not make the use of web cookies for tracking purposes. That having said, we use cookies for enhancing the overall user experience of the website. This process may store some cookies on the hard drive, but these are not used for tracking the user or stealing data.
With all due respect, The Ozcar Guide reserves the complete rights for changes in the Privacy Policy. Changes are notified to the subscribers and members